Hungarian Ancient Philosophy without stupidship of Hungarians in capitalism and socialism and capitalism Unitary symbolism: Parent Overflowing Sky Sun Time World Exalt Earthmother-Skyfather Symbolism: Parent Mother (Virgin Mother) Father Overflowing Overflowing, Receptive (Overflowing, Receptive) Receptive Sky Starry Sky (Starry Sky) Blue Sky Sun Moon (Venus) Sun Time Night (Night) Day World Earth (Earth) Sky Exalt Bearing (Love) Doing Fertility Skymother-Earthfather Symbolism: Parent Mother (Virgin Mother) Father Overflowing Overflowing, Receptive (Overflowing, Receptive) Receptive Sky Blue Sky (Starry Sky) Starry Sky Sun Sun (Venus) Moon Time Day (Night) Night World Sky (Earth) Earth Exalt Bearing (Love) Doing Fertility Dualism/Trialism: Mother and Father are good and theye are useful parts of each other. Father can not bear himself. Virgin Mother is Mother as Stepmother and She's Virgin as protector only of humanity in the humanly fantasy. Planets are only symbols and factors. When in the ancient times virgins attended the fireplace VS cold of Ice Age. When theye got marriage, their husband moved the wife's house. Dualism again: God-Symbolismes of Hungarian Ancient Philosophy are not compulsory. The Parent-Gods' creations are their children, theye (we) are brothers. Creations are different, theye can different things. Theye (we) have to see their similarities, or theye (we) can be not still. Table (trialismes and cols, not orders and hierarchies): Freedome Equality Brotherhood No libertanism No uniformalism No hating Forgiveness Redemption Penalty No steal No lye No murder Mean of thoughts Mean of words Mean of acts Can thinkink Work's honour Helping Happyness Attention Peace Table's poem Making love is cheerful, It's felt by Parent Gods. Also by creations. Created in such way. Earlier motherhood is not bad, but early. Many aborte's needly. Let not be aborte need. Doing of good things are free and important things. Freedom, workers, brothers. Not selfing, colds, murders. Respect the freedom of words and soul and acts of others, and they let do respecting of yours, too. Question everrything and do not be lazy, be brave. Examine the means of the words, thinkings and acts. Don't murder, do not steal, do not lye, don't be bad. If you are in need, love in that time, too; always. Penalty, redemption, Forgiveness: important. Forgive to others, and yourself because of peace. In war save and protect women, and helpless men: your own and enemy, prisoner, companion. Penalty, redemption, Forgiveness: important. Forgive to others, and yourself because of peace. In war save and protect women, and helpless men: your own and enemy, prisoner, companion. Factors of good army: faithful lover or wife, Families, injureds let not became poor then. Civil let save country, too, don't hate each other. If kid soldier deserts, He (or She?) let live. Life Be intelligent and more... Protect/help the others: you've how many power. Look out, protect you. Working and holiday. The ration and the feels. Good needs not bad to be good, many bad has good. Who can become happy, who can help anyself, who can be helped, who teaches, who allows. That's bad, do, make to good Good uses, other not. Good needs not bad to be good, many bad has good. Specy's life-giver can be smile of the man-woman. Who is the good partner, Good partner misses, good. Good and clever humans, brave husband, clever wife, tolerant and not lies, lover life, lover life. Who is the good partner, good partner misses, good. So wife, so family, therefore look her mother. Rules of children, adults, old men, three rule-system. Show your love, show your love to adults and children. Big brother let sitter for a little time, or the big brother will hate the little, and back. Love let be the unite of the families. Not tyranny or it causes state's tyranny. Rules Principles needs faith, have a faith, anything. Knowledges, and beliefe, also know, and believe. Be tolerant, and see your faith's, knowledge's error. Food of believes is the spirits of the men. Don't be egoist, vehement, stupid. Your spirit is Nature's, Make your mind to beauty. Want good, but only well, but only, only well. Don't want good badly, it is worse, than svindle. Don't do bad, don't do bad, do good thing, do good, for example a little; but don't bad, but don't bad. Do not be egoist, help to men, do things. Don't be changed to stupid, this is most dangerous. Don't catch somebodies and somethings of somebody. Don't humiliate, and don't murdering, don't blackmail. Don't tell lies,  don't tell lies, don't tell bad truthes, too. Don't make fire to ravage, don't ravage, don't ravage. Good law protects of you, bad law attacks you. Laws of peace are better, than laws of the war. Wars all are bad, anyting else is said. Good men neighbourness does not want war.