Project Seaside

Bahaism Page

Bahaism is name of baha'i only at this sight. Bahaist men like globalism, hate nazism and communism. (Pseudo-)Communist and Moslem regimes are enemies of Bahaists. Theology of Bahaism is modernisation of Islamic and Ural-Altaic ones. (Uralic culture says that is said in European cultures from before Indo-European times.)

10 teachings

  1. The oneness of mankind: we are fruits of one tree.
  2. Universal peace upheld by a world government: tree-feeling causes it.
  3. Independent investigation of truth: you must think by yourself.
  4. The common foundation of all religions: don't do that to others what is bad to you.
  5. The essential harmony of science and religion: no materialism, no superstitions.
  6. Equality of men and women: no patriarchism, no matriarchism.
  7. Elimination of prejudice of all kinds: no communities and peoples against each others.
  8. Universal compulsory of education: you have to know works, science and art.
  9. A spiritual solution to the economic problem: you don't need all money.
  10. A universal auxiliary language: for example Esperanto.

Being similar to Hungarian 11 teachings.

Baha'i symbol and gods of Hungarian mythology

Heaven, avatars' world, Earth. Pentagrammic stars of two establihers of Bahaism.
What is origin of parts of this symbol?

Sign of equality and duality of Father Heaven and Moter Earth, so, pictogram about the tree of life with pentagrammical shwastics of planet of love, called Planet Wind Gods.

Hungarian gods of a combinated systeme by Ural-Altaic mythologies, Hungarian animism and Chinese spirituality:

If the Hungarian combinated systeme was known by the Bab or Baha'u'llah secretly, it was known through Turan from South Siberia to Iran by Savard Hungarians, I think it.

A Roma or Indian or Hungarian Bahaist singer from Hungarian capital city

Peace is light.
